Home Improvement Project
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Renovation] [Pool Deck]
[2nd Story Deck] [Pool
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Click any Day hyperlink to see all the pictures enlarged for the day.
Major Renovation below:

Before Middle1 Middle2 Middle3 Middle4 After
5 Years Later

After 5
Years Later Before After
5 Years Later

to Day72][Day73
to Day79]
to Day97][Day98
to Day109][Day110
to Day114][Day115
to Day147]
The goals of this project are:
Dormer, Roof, Siding, Windows, Doors
and a Deck...
- Add a
22 26ft shed dormer to the second
- Replace the rest of the existing roof with Timberline Shadow Shingles
- Add a ridge vent to the existing and new roof
- Remove all existing siding and sheathing
- Add Insulation to all exterior walls
- Install 1/2 inch Plywood Sheathing to the entire exterior of the house
- Install Wolverine Vinyl siding.
- Replace all of the windows with new vinyl windows.
- Replace all old doors and add a third door.
- Add a 20 foot second floor deck on the left end of the house that is 6
foot wide and transitions to 8 feet wide midway.
- Do all the work with 1 partner and myself.
Supply's were obtained from the following:
[Window Wizards]
Dormer construction (Click the Day
Number in blue to see all the pictures in full scale or click the thumbnail
below to enlarge.):

- 08-21-2000 Day 3
Finish Dormer de-construction. Capped ends of all floor joists to
prepare for the sub floor and exterior walls. Installed 3/4 inch
plywood sub floor. Built 1/3 of the first exterior wall.

- 08-24-2000 Day 6
Installed most of the plywood on the roof. Prepped the last 3 feet of
roof by removing shingles.
- 08-25-2000 Day 7 FRI: No new pics.
Cut a 4' x 4' piece of plywood for part of the roof. Screwed the
plywood to the roof and moved a rafter over 2 inches. No visible
changes to the appearance.
- 08-26-2000 Day 8 SAT:
Added 4 more rafters to the roof. Added 1 foot section of the front
wall to complete the front wall. Added more plywood to the roof.
Installed front fascia board on front of the dormer. Installed part of
the first side wall.

- 08-28-2000 Day 10 MON: Day Off. No
new pics.
- 08-29-2000 Day 11 TUE:
Prepared the end wall for framing. Removed old framing and sistered a
2" x 8" to the last rafter to mount the new wall on top.
Removed the window and frame around the window.

- 09-01-2000 Day 14 FRI: Continued to
frame the last wall. No new pics.
- 09-02-2000 Day 15 SAT:
Installed sheathing to the outside wall. Framed the window and the
doors in the last wall. After installing the last sheet of sheathing
it began to storm. After hurriedly covering the dormer it the rain
came down in buckets. Luckily no rain leaked through the dormer.

Replacing the old roof on the dormer side
- 09-10-2000 Day 23 SUN:
Enclosed the end wall again. Added ice and storm shield (self adhesive
heavy duty tar paper) on the old roof to the right of the dormer.
Added metal soffet vent (since the existing roof has no overhang the metal
soffet adds much needed ventilation at the end of the rafters without
building an overhang). Removed the rest of the gutter and trim boards
under the soffet. Added the starter row of shingles and added 5 rows
of the architectural shingles. Installed the roof jacks for a place to
stand while doing the rest of the roofing (not pictured). Cleaned all
loose shingles off of the deck and lawn (pictures show Matt - roommate with turban
and Dave - brother in-law cleaning the lawn). The third picture shows
the window rot just under the old roof.

- 09-11-2000 Day 24 MON: Day Off. We
went to the Phillies double header against the Expos(zzzzZZZZ).
They crammed 25 minutes worth of exciting action into 6.5 hours. No
new pics.
- 09-12-2000 Day 25 TUE: Continued to
install shingles on the old roof on the dormer side. Completed approximately
4 ft from the bottom up.

- 09-13-2000 Day 26 WED: Installed more
shingles. The roof has half the shingles on the old roof on the dormer
side. Approximately 9ft of shingles completed from the bottom
up. Since it gets dark earlier I only get about 2 hours worth of
useful daylight.
- 09-14-2000 Day 27 THU: Day Off. No
new pics.
- 09-15-2000 Day 28 FRI: Continued to add
shingles to the roof.
Note: Website updates may be a little
late. I had to study and take the MCSE Exam before Monday (Windows
NT4.0 Server in the Enterprise).

- 09-18-2000 Day 31 MON: Finished the
decking for the new porch overhang.
Note: Passed MCSE Exam (Windows NT4.0 Server
in the Enterprise) today. 4 down 2 to go...

- 09-21-2000 Day 34 THU: Installed 8
rafters for the new porch overhang. 4 rafters remain to be installed
above the old roof.
- 09-22-2000 Day 35 FRI: Installed the
last 4 rafters. Very tricky cuts (see pic). Two angles to meet
with the existing roof.

- 09-23-2000 Day 36 SAT: Installed the
plywood on the overhang. Added a header above the posts for added
strength. Began removing shingles from the roof to prepare for the new
shingles. It drizzled all day which made the roof work very slippery.

- 09-24-2000 Day 37 SUN: Day Off due
to Rain.
- 09-25-2000 Day 38 MON: Added fascia
to porch overhang. Added metal soffet vent. Removed the rest of
the shingles and tar paper from the roof to prepare for the roofers.
By removing the shingles and tarpaper I saved $60 per square of roof (the
roof is 8 square - a square is a 10ft by 10ft section) for a net savings of $480.00.
- 09-26-2000 Day 39 TUE: The roofers
arrived at 7:00am and left at 1:00pm. They cut the ridge vent slot and nailed any loose
nails in. They installed the tar paper, shingles, roof edging, and the
ridge vent. They also picked up all the old shingles that were removed
and thrown on the ground the day before. All for the low price of
$350.00 plus coffee and water.

Top View

10-08-2000 Day 51 SUN: Finished
adding plywood to the front of the house. Installed the front
door. Removed all shingles and sub layers from the back of the
house. Installed insulation, plywood sheathing, tyvek and 2
windows. Installed the new Schlage door locks on the front and
upstairs doors.
- 10-13-2000 Day 56 FRI:
Started to remove most of the rotten wall by the back door. Added neww
studs and 8 ft of plywood to cover the door area and slipped the door into
place to cover the hole until morning.

- 10-14-2000 Day 57 SAT:
Finished replacing the rotten wall. Added the back door and the window
next to the back door. The back window was moved approximately 10
inches to the right. Began stripping the end wall.

- 10-15-2000 Day 58 SUN:
Stripped the end wall. Added insulation, plywood, sheathing and Tyvek.
Installed 3 new windows. Finished all but the right and left corners
of the upper triangle.
Really cool Sunset 10-29-2000
Opening the Satellite Dish "window" for better reception (Before
and After)...

- 11-24-2000 Day
98 FRI to 12-05-2000 Day 109 TUE: The first weekend we focused on
the end wall and the back wall. The back wall was completed except for
the last row at the very top. The side wall was started and completed
up to the 2nd floor window. The following weekend was busy.
Starting Friday night working on the front by the bay window. Then
Saturday metal capping and more siding was added. Sunday we finished
the front wall and the side wall completely. Pictures of the completed
walls are coming soon.

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