Home Improvement Project
[Home] [Outside
Renovation] [Pool Deck]
[2nd Story Deck] [Pool
Install] [Hallway Pergo]
[Tree Damage]
The house is 40ft x 28ft 2in Cape Cod in need of a major renovation. The roof, siding and windows were at the end of their life cycle.
In August of 2000, I decided it was time to replace the siding. Once we got started the project grew to adding a dormer, replacing the windows and doors, putting in insulation, re-sheathing the house with plywood, adding house wrap (like tyvek), replacing the roof shingles, adding a ridge vent, adding soffit vents, installing a deck header board for a future 2nd story deck, replace lumber in the walls, build an overhang over the front porch, adding a 3rd door to the house upstairs for access to the future deck, new electrical meter box, and new gutters. The project was complete in less then 4 months. Myself and 1 other person did the entire project occasionally consulting a contractor for advice.
After nearly a 4 year break, I am now working on outside projects again. I added a new pool deck in June 2005 and finally started the envisioned 2nd story deck in July 2005, almost 4 years since I put the header for the deck on the house.
Below are some of the improvement projects this house received.
8-18-2000 to 12-11-2000: MAJOR RENOVATION
- 26 foot roof bump out, Insulation, Plywood Sheathing,
Tyvek, Windows, Doors, Siding, Flat Roof, New Roof Shingles, Gutters, 2nd story
deck header board, and front porch cover.
1-22-2005 to 1-27-05: Pergo installed in the
hallway - After a 4 year break to rest the projects continue.
2-8-2005 to 5-2-05: Tree removed and pool
5-8-2005 to 7-8-05: Pool deck built -
Horseshoe shaped deck added to existing deck for the pool.
7-7-2005: Tree limb fell on house -
Shortly after midnight a large tree limb fell on the house.
7-16-2005 to 8-14-05: 2nd Story deck
build - Adding a 10ft x 20ft deck to the second floor of the house.
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